WSI Digital Launches a New Website for St-Georges Group
Our digital marketing agency in Montreal is pleased to announce the launch of a new Website for the St-Georges Group, who are wealth management advisors in the West Island of Montreal.
The St-Georges Group is a group of financial professionals who specialize in integrated wealth planning, specifically for high earning individuals, such as dentists, medical professionals, entrepreneurs, and other high net-worth individuals and families. They are experts in their field, so it was important that the St.Georges Group had a website that represented their high level of expertise.
Their areas of wealth management strategies range from retirement income planning, tax planning, investment income, and other financial services.
For the St-Georges Group, we have designed and developed a WordPress site to enable them to share valuable, educational articles that may be of interest to their clients, as well as drive interest for new clients. The WordPress CMS gives our clients the ability to add and manage their content themselves as required. We worked closely with this client to help them create the content for the Website that truly spoke to their target market and work with them to create ongoing quality content that will help inform and educate their clients. We will also be creating quality content like blog posts with useful information to further educate their clients about wealth management.
Our Web marketing agency in Montreal would like to thank the team at The St-Georges Group for trusting us with the creation of their Website and digital marketing services, and for the confidence in our ability to gain your client’s trust as we developed your website. We also thank the St.Georges Group for trusting us to control their digital marketing efforts.
Contact our Montreal web design company to learn how we can partner with you to improve the effectiveness of your online marketing to bring more qualified leads.